Write Your Life-Changing MicroBook in only 8 weeks with The MicroBook Magician!
(Or at least get the magical first draft done….)
Ready to write YOUR MicroBook? YAY! Season 7 kicks off on April 28, 2025.
But what’s that — you have The Fear?
Cool. Three things:
- I have The Fear, too. I’ve never met a writer that doesn’t. Every damn time I sit down to write and often when I’m just, you know, chilling, The Fear rears its hairy butt and moons me. You can use The Fear. I can help you.
- A book’s impact is forever, and The Fear is fleeting — you’re not gonna arrive at the end of this life-game with your hair on fire knowing you let a fleeting fear stop you speaking up, are you?
- The Fear of writing your book is smaller than The Fear of not writing your book — or you wouldn’t be here, right? RIGHT?
Hi! I’m Vicky Quinn Fraser and I help rebels, misfits, and revolutionaries find, write, and sell the story within.
Each one is interesting. Each one is valuable.
Each one is unique, and each has its own distinct audience.
Need a nudge to get writing? Check out 3 ways to get started.
Want twice-weekly writing tips?
Get my Notes in the Margin here
You are 100% able to write a book people can fall in love with.
Here's how I can help:
12 of my best writing tips
No clue where or how to start writing your book? Sign up to this short masterclass series and get 12 pieces of my best advice on how to get started and make sure you actually finish your book.
The 13 day writing challenge
You already have a voice… but are you using it consistently & confidently? Join this 13 day challenge to develop your voice, explore new ideas, and start to build a sustainable writing practice.
How I write consistently
Despite my ADHD, I’ve sent daily emails, written 5 books, ghostwritten 12 more, hosted 344 podcast episodes and contributed to thousands of articles & newsletters. How the hell did I do it?
Books in the Wild
Here are some amazing people I've been lucky enough to work with.
Figure out your story—
so you can write your best book
For yourself
Define your idea.
Understand your value.
Write your story.
For your reader
Help them feel seen.
Create their journey.
Move them forwards.
For the world
Leave your mark.
Change hearts + minds.
Find your biggest fans.
Get your book out there!
There will never be a right time to do this, so what if you started now? Instead of later?
Imagine how far you could get. This time next year—or sooner—you could be holding your book in your hands… and be working on the next one.
90% of people who want to write a book will never write it. Life gets in the way. Work gets in the way. Mental health issues stand in the way.
But mostly, doubts and fears get in the way.
Don’t let them stop you putting your story out there. Someone, somewhere, will be so grateful you wrote your book—it could change lives for the better.
Writing is magic
Get your book out of your head and onto paper!
Twice a week, I send out an email to folks who want to write a book. It’ll make you think, it’ll make you laugh, but most of all it’ll get you writing.